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OC Waste & Recycling Information:  Orange County Waste & Recycling runs this site that is loaded with great information not only on landfills, but also trash pickup for your local area and even household hazardous waste dumping locations.

Firewise:  This site is full of great fire safety information. It focuses mostly on ways to protect those homes located near the wildland/urban interface areas.  It also includes lists of publications, videos, and downloads that are quite helpful to the homeowner.

Cal FIRE/California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CDF):  The Cal FIRE/CDF site focuses more on larger fires and fire safety programs available in the state as well as other forestry-related issues.  This site provides a view of the overall California firefighting apparatus.

National Fire Protection Association:  This is another fire safety site that helps to identify potential hazards in the home.  There are also some fun games and safety tips for kids.

California Native Plant Society (CNPS):The CNPS hosts this site that is loaded with all sorts of great information on the native plants of California.  It is colorful and interesting, with great photographs and educational information for kids.

Orange County Vector Control District:  "A vector is any insect or arthropod, rodent or other animal of public health significance capable of harboring or transmitting the causative agents of human disease, or capable of causing human discomfort or injury."

Orange County Fire Authority:  Orange County Fire Authority "Ready, Set, Go!", gives you the tools to protect you, your family, property and community from wildfires.

InciWeb Incident Information System:  InciWeb is an interagency all-risk incident information management system.  The system was developed with two primary missions:  1) Provide the public a single source of incident related information    2) Provide a standardized reporting tool for the Public Affairs community

National Interagency Fire Center:  Mission: to serve as a focal point for coordinating the national mobilization of resources for wildland fire and other incidents throughout the United States.